A good answer might be:

No. You need 4 cups of flour and 2 cups of sugar. Now you have more than enough flour, but not enough sugar, so you can't follow the recipe.

Review of Relational Operators

In order to bake cookies two things must be true:

If one of these requirements is false, then you do not have enough ingredients. Here is a program that follows this logic (I hope I don't need to remind you to copy it and to play with it):

// Cookie Ingredients Checker
import java.io.*;
class CookieChecker
  public static void main (String[] args) throws IOException
    BufferedReader stdin = 
        new BufferedReader ( new InputStreamReader( System.in ) );
    String inData;
    int    sugar, flour; 

    // get the number of cups of flour
    System.out.println("How much flour do you have?");
    inData   = stdin.readLine();
    flour    = Integer.parseInt( inData ); 

    // get the number of cups of sugar
    System.out.println("How much sugar do you have?");
    inData   = stdin.readLine();
    sugar    = Integer.parseInt( inData ); 

    // check that there are enough of both ingredients
    if ( flour >= 4 && sugar >= 2 )
      System.out.println("Enough for cookies!" );
      System.out.println("sorry...." );


The symbol in Java that means "and" is "&&" (ampersand ampersand). The if statement is asking a question with two parts:

if ( flour >= 4 && sugar >= 2 )
    ----------     ----------
    flour part      sugar part

Each one of these parts is a relational expression. A relational expression is a type of boolean expression that uses a relational operator to compute a true or false value. The entire expression between parentheses is also a boolean expression. It is correct (and common) for a boolean expression to be composed of smaller boolean expressions. This is similar to human language where "compound sentences" are made from smaller sentences.


Say that you enter 9 for flour and 1 for sugar. What value (true or false) does each of the parts give you?

flour >= 4  ________________

sugar >= 2  ________________